Monday, February 5 – Saturday, February 10

Everyday over 6,000 children die due to hunger. Hope starts with food and YOU! OVCN with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) are packing 1.4 million meals Feb 5-10 and need your help. One of the ways FMSC maximizes how much food gets to those in need is to have volunteers like us help pack the food and prepare it for global shipment.  Each year at OVCN, we pack hundreds of thousands of meals for them, right here on our campus!  
Shifts are about 2 hours each, start with a brief orientation, then people serve in stations in the Third Space.  We will offer 20 two-hour shifts from Monday night through Saturday afternoon.  Each packing session takes 360 people – so register your friends, family, co-workers and clubs too. Anyone 5 and over can participate!
There will be special themed nights with kids and their families on Tuesday night (2/6) and one for students and their families on Wednesday night (2/7). Both of these nights have childcare for those under 5.


Each meal costs about 29 cents and in one 2 hour shift most volunteers can pack a box of food, about $60 worth. OVCN will be packing 1.4 million meals which will cost over $400,000 and will feed over 3,800 children for 1 year. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to help off-set this cost if you can – any amount helps! Please choose the Missions: Feed My Starving Children designation.


March 6, 7 pm

Take a look at what to expect when you come to pack!


According to the United Nations, over 700 million people go hungry every day.  That’s one in 10 people globally!

Hunger relief organizations like Feed My Starving Children have been stretched to meet growing needs with less resources than ever.

OVCN, with Tucson’s help, has packed millions of meals for FMSC before and we have the opportunity this year to make an even greater impact.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu diam convallis velit lacinia sagittis non molestie est. Pellentesque quis eleifend sem, sit amet fringilla enim. Nunc luctus elit ac neque dignissim, ut condimentum elit interdum. Mauris feugiat tortor a urna porttitor dignissim. Aliquam ut laoreet nulla. Nulla ut semper mi. Curabitur eleifend imperdiet suscipit. Pellentesque sit amet porta sem. Vivamus non pretium erat. Donec vel eleifend metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu diam convallis velit lacinia sagittis non molestie est. Pellentesque quis eleifend sem, sit amet fringilla enim. Nunc luctus elit ac neque dignissim, ut condimentum elit interdum. Mauris feugiat tortor a urna porttitor dignissim. Aliquam ut laoreet nulla. Nulla ut semper mi. Curabitur eleifend imperdiet suscipit. Pellentesque sit amet porta sem. Vivamus non pretium erat. Donec vel eleifend metus.